General Questions

Where are you located

    We are located in Singapore.


    When will this item be back in stock?

    We recommend checking our blog regularly for updates. We maintain a list of upcoming items on our blog, which you can find here:

    However, it's important to note that many of our products are produced in limited quantities, and once they are sold out, they may not be restocked. We strive to offer a diverse range of products to cater to various tastes and preferences. While some items might return due to popular demand, others may not be restocked to maintain the exclusivity and uniqueness of our collections.


    My order was marked as 'Fulfilled'. What does that mean?

    It means that the shipping label for your order has been generated and is in the packing stage. 


    My items arrived damaged.

    If your item has arrived defective, do contact us immediately so we can solve it as soon as possible.

    Please refer to our Quality Expectations Policy.